
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

this month in science #10

                       This month in science I did a survey. I had to go around and ask people some questions. Some of the questions were like what do you mostly travel by or how long do you use water. We had to ask questions about how people saved or wasted energy. Then when we had all of our data we had to compare it and see if some people did the same thing as others or if some people do something totally different. Then after that we had to separate in to 4 groups. The groups were transportation, water, energy, and waste. When we made the groups we had to do lots of research on our topics. Then some people from the human impact group came and told us we had to make some kind of catchy logo for our topic and draw it out. We did all that and now we are going to have to make the logo into a t- shirt. Thats some of the things we did this month.

 This month I learned that people waste so much energy and they dont even know it. Like lets say you leave your phone charger plugged in you are wasting energy. So I learned that everything you plug into a wall sometime later in your day you should plug it out. I also learned that most people like to recycle. I thought most people just threw there junk on the floor but some people really took that topic serious. I also learned that most people take the train and car to work. That means that all the people that are taking cars are polluting the world with all that bad air coming out of the back of the car. I learned that the most energy used is when people use there phones. I learned something new about phones is that people use it a lot most people use there phone from 100% until its dead 0%.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

This show how some people can use energy and just waste it and then at the end they will see what will happen. People sometimes uses energy until there is a black out or something goes wrong. Until we use out all the energy they people will really see Watts the problem!